Home of the Worlds 1st  Swell Wave Shorebreak Ticker

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Some of the best breaks in the world were simply undiscovered at one point! Hard to believe how some legendary spots were simply an empty oasis waiting around every cove.  Adventure and seek advise from anyone with a good story of a legendary session. Focus


how some of the most historic locations only work on the perfect conditions for that particular break! So make sure to check with all swell directions and tide heights.  The last and final tricky thing about discovering a spot. Most naturally occurring freaks of nature world-map-seafloor-for-download-5716

are already discovered because of the shape of the coastline and the consistency of the sea floor or reef.  A big storm can not only bring huge waves but it can move the sand up and down the coastline. The fluctuations of the coastline is something that will always bring us new and undiscovered breaks. The sand is all lined up, the conditions are just right, and you never now the ride you will find! So Go Find it!


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